Friday, March 25, 2011

A Couple of Things

No one, I would dare say, likes to get punched in the face.  But it’s amazing how often we’ll do just that to one another with our words, the way we say things, or a mixture of the two.  It’s easy to talk about speaking kinds words to turn away much wrath (Proverbs 15:1) when things are going well, but when people are stressed or tired or frustrated it is easier (but still not right) to let fly with whatever comes to mind without considering the words and/or tone one is using. 

Thankfully, there is grace.  And a sincere apology can do much to mend things.  Though I’d really like to get to the point where I more consistently am able to bite my tongue until I can say things in a way that doesn’t lead to a verbal bop on the nose.  It involves less mess, no scars, and a better result to be enjoyed by all involved. 

But onto something else . . .

I was at Wal-Mart yesterday picking up some odds ‘n’ ends when I purchased the latest issue of Real Simple magazine based entirely on one headline:  “Spring Cleaning Shortcuts:  28 Strategies and Products That Really Work”.  Now I have to actually flip to the article and see if it’s just a giant plug for the products (some of which I may not even be able to get as it’s a U.S. magazine and I live in Canada), or if its tips (and some elbow grease) will help me get my house spiffed up.  Save for the Rooms of Doom.  Because those rooms . . . well, they need more than a spring-cleaning – they need a serious purge.  But those will be taken care of this year.

Hmmm . . . I think I need to seriously check out (and implement) any tips in the article mentioned in the bottom-left corner as well.  ϡ


Julie Lybbert said...

:-D I LOVED that Procrastination article. I had a real good giggle at the first page with the maze of colorful splotches. That is SO ME. Yes, I could certainly learn some from that article as well.

RandomThoughts said...

I’d really like to get to the point where I more consistently am able to bite my tongue until I can say things in a way that doesn’t lead to a verbal bop on the nose

When you figure out how to consistently do that, let me know, because I'm so far from it, it's not even funny.

Thank God indeed for grace!

crosscribe said...

I read the procrastination article yesterday, Julie! I got a kick out of the first page, too. And I liked the idea of the 'unprocrastination day, though I'd be nervous about actually trying it! LOL!

RT, I sometimes wonder if I don't need a little shock anytime I go to open my mouth without thinking things through first. But that could get pretty painful. ;)