Monday, March 14, 2011

So Long & Farewell (To the Past, Not the Blog)

It’s sort of a funny thing, I suppose, and I’m sure I’m not the only one, but I find it much easier to let go of the mistakes and failures of my ‘pre-Christian’ life than I do of the mistakes and failures I have made since I became a Christian.  It’s like a little voice niggles away in my ear, reminding me of how I really should know better by now.  And while it is true with a good many things that I should be doing better in the areas where I’ve heard better, I have to remember God does not use my past to determine my future.  He didn’t with the children of Israel, as can be seen in the following passage from Isaiah 43:18-19 (The Message):

Forget about what’s happened;
don’t keep going over old history.
Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new.

Besides which God’s grace and mercy are not any less now that I’m one of His kids – that is just my own messed-up thinking getting in the way when that thought pops out. 

Now I was going to wax eloquently (or try to at any rate) about my muck-ups and the aforementioned grace and the things I do need to let go of, but I’m not going to.  Many eulogies have been given (in one form or another) for my past.  Instead, it is time I simply let some things go and leave the gravesite.  As L. Thomas Holdcroft put it, “The past a guidepost, not a hitching post.”  And grave yards sort of squick me out. 

 In the words of Relient K in their song "Forget and Not Slow Down":  

I'd rather forget and not slow down, 
than gather regret for the things I can't change now . . .
what good do "What ifs?" do?

As many of us know, not much good good at all.  So lets bid them all adieu and move on.  


Julie Lybbert said...

I know what you mean. I often find the need to remind myself to forget all the stupid things I've done in the past 'cause I can't do a darn thing about them anyway. I just have to work from the "now" and do better. Good post.

crosscribe said...

Thanks Julie! And yes, the best thing we can do is move on from the 'now'. :)