Monday, May 16, 2011

No Clever Title

Blogger was down for a bit last week.  Oh, I could still look at my blog, but any thoughts of being able to post an update were merely wishes when I had the time to sit down in front of my computer Thursday night and early Friday morning.

Suffice it to say I'm seriously considering moving to WordPress.

All was not lost in my non-blogging time, however, as last week I joined The Blog Rocket Community. It is proving to be quite the gathering of bloggers.  There are some mad-talented people out there.  Honestly I'm feeling a bit intimidated, but I think it's in a good, 'spur me on to do better' way.  The proof will be in the pudding, as they say, and I think it's a good thing to invest $10/month in.  Certainly friendlier to my waistline than the two schmancy drinks at Starbucks that money probably would have gone towards.  ;-)


Jamie said...

I love the Blogrocket community! However, I spent about 10 minutes thinking about Wordpress today & just decided to pay someone for a new design on my blogger blog. Blogger might have been down for 20 hours, but 2 of the BR guys' blogs weren't accessible at different points today just because. I don't know if it's worth it...

crosscribe said...

I'm enjoying the Blog Rocket community too! And I'm still debating about Word Press. It looks daunting, but I'm tempted by the fact I can pick my own domain name and perhaps even figure out more how to tinker with things with the blog layout, etc. And yes, Word Press has its own problems I'm sure. :p

Decisions, decisions. Fortunately one doesn't have to be made today.